Игорь Николаевич КОНЬШИН, старший научный сотрудник
Институт вычислительной математики им. Г.И. Марчука, РАН
119333, г. Москва, ул. Губкина, д. 8, комн. 628.
☏ тел.: +7 (495) 984-81-20*35-09 📠 факс: +7 (495) 989-80-23
✉ Email: igor.konshin (аt) gmаil.соm
Другие институты: Вычислительный центр им. А.А. Дородницына, ФИЦ ИУ РАН Институт проблем безопасного развития атомной энергетики РАН Московский физико-технический институт (национальный исследовательский университет) Сеченовский университет
INMOST (Integrated Numerical Modelling and Object-oriented Supercomputing Technologies) - средство суперкомпьютерного моделирования, характеризующееся максимальной общностью поддерживаемых расчетных сеток, гибкостью и эффективностью распределенной структуры данных, а также кросплатформенной переносимостью. www.inmost.org
GeRa (Geomigration of Radionuclides) - высокотехнологичный программный комплекс трехмерного гидрогеологического моделирования, разработанный ИБРАЭ РАН и ИВМ РАН по заказу ГК «Росатом» для эффективного решения задач геофильтрации и геомиграции загрязнений в подземных водах. proryv2020.ru/kod-gera
Вычислительная гемодинамика - 3D моделирование кровотока основано на системе уравнений Навье-Стокса и позволяет подробно описать кровоток в интересующей области. dodo.inm.ras.ru/research/haemodynamics
D. Bagaev, F. Grigoriev, I. Kapyrin, I. Konshin, V. Kramarenko, A. Plenkin, Improving parallel efficiency of calculations in GeRa for complex hydrogeological problems, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (2019), V. 1129, 265-277
(JCR IF 2018: 0.17, SJR Q3)
I. Konshin, Efficiency of basic linear algebra operations on parallel computers, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (2019), V. 1129, 26-38
(JCR IF 2018: 0.17, SJR Q3)
I. Konshin, M. Olshanskii, Yu. Vassilevski, An algebraic solver for the Oseen problem with application to hemodynamics. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (2019), V. 47, 339-357. (JCR IF 2017: 0.17, SJR Q3)
I. Konshin, Efficiency estimation for the mathematical physics algorithms for distributed memory computers, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (2019), V. 965, 63-75
(JCR IF 2017: 0.17, SJR Q3)
I. Kapyrin, I. Konshin, V. Kramarenko, F. Grigoriev, Modeling groundwater flow in unconfined conditions of variable density solutions in dual-porosity media using the GeRa code, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (2019), V. 965, 266-278
(JCR IF 2017: 0.17, SJR Q3)
A. Antonov, A. Frolov, I. Konshin, V. Voevodin, Hierarchical domain representation in the AlgoWiki encyclopedia: From problems to implementations, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018, V. 910, 3-15
(JCR IF 2017: 0.17, SJR Q3, URL,
I. Konshin, M. Olshanskii, Yu. Vassilevski, LU factorizations and ILU preconditioning for stabilized discretizations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. (2017), V. 24, N. 3, e2085.
(JCR IF 2017: 1.281, SJR Q1, PDF)
(cited: 1)
(cited: 7)
I. Konshin, I. Kapyrin, Scalable computations of GeRa code on the base of software platform INMOST, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2017), V. 10421, 433-445.
D. V. Bagaev, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Nikitin, Dynamic optimization of linear solver parameters in mathematical modelling of unsteady processes, Communications in Computer and Information Science (2017), V. 793, 54-66.
V. Kramarenko, I. Konshin, Y. Vassilevski, Ani3D-extension of parallel platform INMOST and hydrodynamic applications, Communications in Computer and Information Science (2017), V. 793, 219-228.
I. Konshin, Parallel computational models to estimate an actual speedup of analyzed algorithm. Communications in Computer and Information Science (2017), V. 687, 304-317.
A. Antonov, A. Frolov, H. Kobayashi, I. Konshin, A. Teplov, Vad. Voevodin, Vl. Voevodin, Parallel processing model for Cholesky decomposition algorithm in AlgoWiki project, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (2016), V. 3, N. 3, 61-70.
A. A. Danilov, K. M. Terekhov, I. N. Konshin, Y. V. Vassilevski. Parallel software platform INMOST: a framework for numerical modeling, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (2015) V. 2, N. 4, 55-66.
I. N. Konshin, M. A. Olshanskii, Yu. V. Vassilevski, ILU preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle-point matrices with application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comp. (2015), V. 37, N. 5, A2171-A2197.
(JCR IF 2017: 2.046, SJR Q1, PDF)
И. Е. Капорин, И. Н. Коньшин, Постфильтрация множителей IC2-разложения для балансировки параллельного предобусловливания, Ж. Выч. Мат. Мат. Физ. (2009), Т. 49, N. 6, 940-957.
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Load balancing of parallel block overlapped incomplete Cholesky preconditioning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2009), V. 5698, 304-315.
V. A. Garanzha, I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Truncated Newton type solver with application to grid untangling problem, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. (2004), V. 11, N. 5-6, 525-533.
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, A parallel block overlap preconditioning with inexact submatrix inversion for linear elasticity problems, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. (2002), V. 9, N. 2, 141-162.
И. Е. Капорин, И. Н. Коньшин, Параллельное решение симметричных положительно-определенных систем на основе перекрывающегося разбиения на блоки, Ж. Вычисл. Матем. и Матем. Физ. (2001), Т. 41, N. 4, 515-528.
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Parallel solution of large sparse SPD linear systems based on overlapping domain decomposition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1999), V. 1662, 436-445.
I. Konshin, BIILU2 preconditioning for parallel solution of linear systems, In: Proc. of The Russian-Chinese Workshop on Applied Linear Algebra (July 1, 2019), INM RAS, 2019, Moscow.
V. K. Kramarenko, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, I. N. Konshin, Parallel block-diagonal preconditioner with projectors for the diffusion problem, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 24-25, 2018, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, 2018, pp. 728-737
(in Russian)
I. Kapyrin, I. Konshin, V. Kramarenko, F. Grigoriev, Modeling groundwater flow in unconfined conditions of variable density solutions in dual-porosity media using the GeRa code, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 24-25, 2018, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, 2018, 321-333
I. Konshin, Efficiency estimation for the mathematical physics algorithms for distributed memory computers, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 24-25, 2018, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, 2018, pp. 183-194
V. Kramarenko, I. Konshin, Y. Vassilevski, Ani3D-extension of parallel platform INMOST and hydrodynamic applications, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 25-26, 2017, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2017, pp. 19-28
D. V. Bagaev, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Nikitin, Dynamic optimization of linear solver parameters in mathematical modelling of unsteady processes, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 25-26, 2017, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2017, pp. 108-119
I. V. Kapyrin, I. N. Konshin, F. V. Grigoriev, Three-dimensional hydrogeological modeling in GeRa code, In: Proc. of VII scientific and practical conference on supercomputer technologies in the oil and gas industry. Mathematical methods, software and hardware (HPC-OilGas-2017), February 16-17, 2017, Moscow State University, Moscow, pp. 159-160
(in Russian)
D. V. Bagaev, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Nikitin, Solution of linear systems for multiphase flow problems in the framework of software platform INMOST, In: Proc. of VII scientific-practical conference on supercomputer technologies in the oil and gas industry. Mathematical methods, software and hardware (HPC-OilGas-2017), February 16-17, 2017, MSU, Moscow, pp. 154-158
(in Russian)
I. Konshin, M. Olshanskii, Y. Vassilevski, An algebraic solver for the Oseen problem with application to hemodynamics. Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing Preprint Series, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Preprint No. 50, May, 2016, 19 p.
I. Konshin, M. Olshanskii, Y. Vassilevski, LU factorizations and ILU preconditioning for stabilized discretizations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing Preprint Series, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Preprint No. 49, May, 2016, 22 p.
Yu. V. Vasilevsky, M. A. Tolstykh, R. Yu. Fadeev, I. N. Konshin, I. V. Kapyrin, K. D. Nikitin, S. A. Goreinov, E. M. Volodin, E. V. Mortikov, Supercomputer technologies in problems of weather forecasting, climate modeling, oil exploration and nuclear safety at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, In: Proc. of V National Supercomputer Forum (NSCF’2016), 11.29-02.12.2016, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS, 2016, 3 p.
(in Russian)
A. I. Burachkovski, I. N. Konshin, Dynamic refining grids in the framework of software platform INMOST, In: Proc. of Int. Conf. Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing (NUMGRID2016), October 31 - November 2, 2016, Dorodnicyn Computing Center, FRC IC RAS, Moscow, 5 p.
(in Russian)
I. Konshin, Yu. Vassilevski, M. Olshanskii, Iterative solution of Oseen linear systems and applications to coronary blood flows, In: Proc. VIII Conf. Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biology and Medicine, October 31 - November 3, 2016, INM RAS, Moscow.
I. N. Konshin, Parallel computational models to estimate an actual speedup of analyzed algorithm. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 269-280
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, V. K. Kramarenko, K. D. Nikitin, K. M. Terekhov, Modeling of multiphase flows based on parallel platform INMOST. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 288-293
(in Russian)
D. V. Bagaev, A. I. Burachkovski, A. A. Danilov, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Terekhov, Development of INMOST software platform: dynamic grids, linear solvers and automatic differentiation, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 543-555
(in Russian)
(cited: 1)
I. V. Kapyrin, F. V. Grigoriev, I. N. Konshin, Geomigration and geofiltration modelling in the numerical code GeRa, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia), Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 133-139
(in Russian)
(cited: 3)
Yu. V. Vassilevski, I. V. Kapyrin, I. N. Konshin, Development of GeRa code based on parallel INMOST software platform using distributed meshes of general kind. In: Proc. of XIV Int. Seminar Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser Plasma Processes & Advanced Science Technologies (LPpM3), July 4-9, 2016, Moscow, p. 93
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, K. D. Nikitin, Modeling of multiphase flow based on platform INMOST: linear systems solution, In: Proc. of VI scientific-practical conference on supercomputer technologies in the oil and gas industry. Mathematical methods, software and hardware (HPC-OilGas-2016), February 10-12, 2016, MSU, Moscow, pp. 83-87
(in Russian)
Yu. V. Vassilevski, I. N. Konshin, V. K. Kramarenko, K. D. Nikitin, Modeling of multiphase flow based on platform INMOST: nonlinear discretization scheme, In: Proc. of VI scientific-practical conference on supercomputer technologies in the oil and gas industry. Mathematical methods, software and hardware (HPC-OilGas-2016), February 10-12, 2016, MSU, Moscow, pp. 80-83
(in Russian)
A. V. Rastorguev, G. V. Kopytov, I. V. Kapyrin, I. N. Konshin, New approaches to hydrogeological modeling in the GeRa code, In: Proc. of the 10th anniversary scientific conf. Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety in Nuclear Technologies, MEPhI publ., Obninsk, 2015, pp. 59-60
(in Russian)
A. V. Frolov, Vad. V. Voevodin, I. N. Konshin, A. M. Teplov, Investigation of the structural properties of the Cholesky decomposition algorithm: from long-known facts to new findings, In: Proc. of Int. Sci. Conf. Parallel Computational Technologies (PaVT'2015), March 31 - April 2, 2015, Ekaterinburg, 2015, pp. 320-331
(in Russian)
(cited: 1)
A. Danilov, K. Terekhov, I. Konshin, Yu. Vassilevski, The structure of INMOST program platform and its usage for numerical modeling problems, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 28-29, 2015, Moscow), Moscow State Univ. Publ., Moscow, 2015, pp. 104-109
(cited: 1)
(cited: 1)
I. Konshin, I. Kaporin, K. Nikitin, Yu. Vassilevski, Parallel linear systems solution for multiphase flow problems in the INMOST framework, In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 28-29, 2015, Moscow), Moscow State Univ. Publ., Moscow, 2015, pp. 96-103
(cited: 1)
(cited: 5)
(cited: 3)
I. Kapyrin, I. Konshin, G. Kopytov, K. Nikitin, Y. Vassilevski, Hydrogeological modeling in radioactive waste disposal safety assessment using the GeRa code. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. Russian Supercomputing Days (September 28-29, 2015, Moscow), Moscow State University Publ., Moscow, 2015, pp. 122-132
(in Russian)
(cited: 1)
(cited: 2)
Yu. V. Vassilevski, I. V. Kapyrin, I. N. Konshin, INMOST software platform based development of parallel numerical models on general meshes. In: Proc. of XIII Int. Seminar "Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser Plasma Processes & Advanced Science Technologies" (LPpM3) (May 30 - June 6, 2015, Petrovac, Montenegro), AP Print, Podgorica, Montenegro, 2015, p. 69.
Yu. V. Vassilevski, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Nikitin, K. M. Terekhov, Development of parallel numerical models of multiphase flow based on software platform INMOST. In: Proc. of V Scientific-Practical Conference on Supercomputer Technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry. Mathematical Methods, Software and Hardware (HPC-OilGas-2015). February 12-13, 2015, MSU, Moscow, pp. 71-75
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, M. A. Olshanskii, Yu. V. Vassilevski, ILU preconditioners for non-symmetric saddle point matrices with application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing Preprint Series, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Preprint No. 34, March, 2015, 25 p.
I. V. Kapyrin, Yu. V. Vassilevski, A. V. Rastorguev, S. S. Utkin, I. N. Konshin, G. V. Kopytov, E. A. Savelieva, V. A. Ivanov, Integral GeRa code for solving problems of migration of radionuclides in the underground hydrosphere, In: Proc. of Conf. on Development, Verification and Certification of Software for Simulation of Undeground Flow and Geomigration at the Facilities of Rosatom Corporation, Moscow, 2014
(in Russian)
Yu. G. Bartenev, V. A. Erzunov, A. P. Karpov, D. A. Petrov, I. A. Pishchulin, E. B. Shanikova, I. E. Kaporin, O. Yu. Milyukova, S. A. Kharchenko, I. N. Konshin, I. B. Meerov, A. V. Sysoev, Complex of parallel solver libraries LParSol, version 3, In: Proc. of the XIV Int. Conf. High-Performance Parallel Computing on Cluster Systems (HPC 2014), PNRPU publ. house, Perm, 2014, pp. 49-53
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, G. B. Sushko, S. A. Kharchenko, Three-level MPI+TBB+CUDA parallel implementation of the block iterative algorithm for solution of SLAE for small-block unstructured sparse matrices, In: Proc. of the Int. Supercomputing Conf. "Scientific Service on the Internet: a Search for the New Solutions" (September 17-22, 2012, Novorossiysk), Publ. House of Moscow State Univ., Moscow, 2012, pp. 522-528
(in Russian)
(cited: 1)
I. N. Konshin, S. A. Kharchenko, A through parallel algorithm for constructing a second-order incomplete triangular factorization with dynamic selection of decomposition and ordering, In: Proc. of the Int. Supercomputing Conf. "Scientific Service on the Internet: a Search for New Solutions" (September 17-22, 2012, Novorossiysk), Publ. House of Moscow State Univ., Moscow, 2012, pp. 491-494
(in Russian)
(cited: 1)
V. L. Yakushev, V. N. Simbirkin, A. V. Filimonov, P. A. Novikov, I. N. Konshin, G. B. Sushko, S. A. Kharchenko, Solution of ill conditioned symmetric SLAE for problems of building mechanics by parallel iterative methods, In: Proc. of the Int. Supercomputing Conf. Scientific Service on the Internet: an Exaflop Future (September 19-24, 2011, Novorossiysk), Publ. House of Moscow State Univ., Moscow, 2011, pp. 333-342
(in Russian)
(cited: 3)
S. Kharchenko, I. Konshin, Hierarchical block partitioning for parallel solution of linear systems with SPD matrices, In: Proc. of III Int. Conf. on Matrix Methods in Mathematics and Applications, MMMA-2011, June 22-25, 2011, INM RAS, Moscow, pp. 82-83
I. N. Konshin, Overlap construction for symmetric linear systems parallel solution, In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science dedicated to Academician A.A. Dorodnicyn’s 100-th Birthday Anniversary, Computing Centre of RAS, Moscow, December 7-11, 2010, pp. 117--118
(in Russian)
N. N. Galimyanova, A. L. Ignatyev, I. N. Konshin, M. A. Posypkin, I. Kh. Sigal, Parallel algorithms for discrete optimization problems, In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science dedicated to Academician A.A. Dorodnicyn’s 100-th Birthday Anniversary, Computing Centre of RAS, Moscow, December 7-11, 2010, pp. 223-225
I. N. Konshin, Parallel solution methods for linear equations systems with SPD matrices on the base of additive overlaping decomposition. PhD Thesis, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of Russ. Acad. Sci., Moscow, 2009, 138 p.
(in Russian)
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Post-filtering of IC factors for load balancing in parallel preconditioned CG solvers, In: Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation, and High Performance Computing (Eds. V. A. Garanzha, Yu. G. Evtushenko, B. K. Soni, N. P. Weatherill), In: Proc. of Int. Conf. NUMGRID/VORONOI-2008, Moscow, 10-13 June, 2008, M.: Folium, pp. 158-164
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Recursive scaling, permutation and 2x2-block splitting in ILU preconditionings, In: Proc. of 2-nd International Conference on Matrix Methods and Operator Equations (July 23-27, 2007, Moscow), pp. 32-34
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Parallel conjugate gradient preconditioning via incomplete Cholesky of overlapping submatrices. In: Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2003: Advanced Numerical Methods, Software and Applications (Eds. B. Chetverushkin, A. Ecer, N. Satofuka, J. Periaux, P. Fox), Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 2004, pp. 81-88
(cited: 1)
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Parallel solution of linear systems with the use of approximate factorization of overlapping blocks, In: Mathematical Modeling: Problems and Results, Nauka, Moscow, 2003, pp. 315-326
(in Russian)
ISBN 5-02-006202-2
V. A. Garanzha, I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Parallel nonlinear solver for large-scale geometrical optimization problems, In: Proc. of Conference on Preconditioning methods for optimal control and constrained optimization problems, PMOCCO'2002, October 23-25, 2002 (Eds. O. Axelsson, B. Polman, S. Gololobov), Univ. of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2002, pp. 28-29
I. E. Kaporin, I. N. Konshin, Benchmark problems in linear elasticity: parallel solution, Tech. Report No. 0028, Department of Mathematics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, December 2000, 22 p.
O. Axelsson, I. Kaporin, I. Konshin, A. Kucherov, M. Neytcheva, B. Polman, A. Yeremin, Comparison of algebraic solution methods on a set of benchmark problems in linear elasticity, Final Report of the STW project NNS, Vol. 4683, Univ. Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2000, 89 p.
(cited: 7)
(cited 3)
I. Kaporin, I. Konshin, Accuracy and efficiency of parallel implementation of matrix multiplication, In: Proc. of 6th International IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 25-28, 2000, p. 11.
I. Konshin, A. Nikishin, A. Yeremin, M. Zatsepin, Numerical experiments with parallel sparse unsymmetric unstructured iterative solvers on network of highend workstations, In: Proc. of 8-th SIAM Conference on Parallel processing for Scientific Computing, March 14-17, 1997, Minneapolis, US, 1997.
V. A. Garanzha, I. V. Ibragimov, I. N. Konshin, V. N. Konshin, A. Yu. Yeremin, High order Pade-type approximation methods for incompressible 3D CFD problems on massively parallel computers, In: Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Implementations and Results using Parallel Computers (Eds. A. Ecer, J. Periaux, N. Satofuka, S. Taylor), Elsevier Science B.V, 1996, pp. 199-205
(cited: 2)
I. V. Ibragimov, P. A. Kolesnikov, I. N. Konshin, N. E. Mikhailovsky, A. A. Nikishin, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov, A. Yu. Yeremin, Numerical experiments with industrial iterative solvers on massively parallel computers. I: Numerical experiments with the A_SPARSE solver on CRAY T3D, In: Proc. of the High Performance Computing Symposium'95, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1995, pp. 283-289
V. A. Garanzha, P. A. Kolesnikov, I. N. Konshin, V. N. Konshin, A. A. Nikishin, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov, A. Yu. Yeremin, Iterative solvers for coupled 3D incompressible flow problems, on vector-parallel computers and MPPs, In: Solution Techniques for Large-Scale CFD Problems (Ed. W. G. Habashi). John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995, pp. 83-88
V. A. Garanzha, I. N. Konshin, V. N. Konshin, A. Yu. Yeremin, Aggregated iterative techniques for solving 3-D CFD problems on parallel and massively parallel computers, In: Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Solution Techniques for Large-Scale CFD Problems, September 26-28, 1994, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 6 p.
V. A. Gushchin, I. N. Kononov, V. N. Konshin, I. N. Konshin, S. A. Aleksandrov, Numerical simulation and field measurements of air flow in clean rooms, In: Proc. of 3rd conf. Associations for the Control of Micropollution, June 7-10, 1993, ASINKOM-93, St. Petersburg, 1993, pp. 183-193
(in Russian)
I. N. Kononov, V. N. Konshin, I. N. Konshin, Numerical analysis of the air flow in a clean room, In: Proc. of 2nd Conference of the Association of Micro-Pollution Control Engineers, October 12-16, 1992, ASINCOM-92, Suzdal, 1992, 136-140
(in Russian)
V. A. Gushchin, I. N. Kononov, I. N. Konshin, V. N. Konshin, Parallel numerical modeling of clean room air flows, In: The third Russian-Japan joint symposium on CFD, Book of abstracts, Part II, August 25-30, 1992, Vladivostok, Russia, pp. 121-122
V. A. Gushchin, I. N. Kononov, V. N. Konshin, I. N. Konshin, A software package for assessing the aerodynamics of designed clean rooms, In: Proc. of 4th Scientific Tech. Conf. Achievements and Prospects of Technological Ecology of Microelectronics in Clean Rooms, June 25-26, 1992, MIET, Moscow, 1992, pp. 182-187
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, Optimization of multigrid methods of domain decomposition. In: Numerical Methods and Software (Ed. Yu. A. Kuznetsov), Dept. of Numer. Math. of USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, 1990, 73-94
(in Russian)
(cited: 1)
I. N. Konshin, S. A. Maliassov, On application of the domain decomposition method to a quantum mechanics problem, In: Adjoint Equations and Perturbation Algorithms, Dept. of Numer. Math. of USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, 1888, pp. 92-98
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, On realization of domain decomposition methods in computing systems with matrix processors. In: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Dept. of Numer. Math. of USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, 1988, pp. 40-62
(in Russian)
I. N. Konshin, Block factorization methods on parallel computers for band SLAE of large dimension, In: Organization of Supercomputing, VINITI, Moscow, 1987, N.2184-B87, 7 p.
(in Russian)
2022, Russian Supercomputing Days Conference
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2021, Конкурс SIAT-Sechenov по численному моделированию биоимпедансного анализа / 3-я Российско-Китайская школа по математическому моделированию и параллельным вычислениям
(свидетельство pdf)
2021, Повышение квалификации, МФТИ
(свидетельство pdf)
2019, Российско-Китайская школа по биоинженерным технологиям и математическому моделированию
(свидетельство pdf)
2019, Повышение квалификации, СУ
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2015, Russian Supercomputing Days Conference
(диплом pdf)
2011, Повышение квалификации, Массивно-параллельные процессы, архитектура и среда программирования Cuda
(свидетельство pdf)
факультет ФИВТ (Факультет инноваций и высоких технологий), 2013 г., курс "Параллельные и распределенные вычисления"
факультет ФПФЭ (Факультет проблем физики и энергетики), кафедра ММФП (Математическое моделирование физических процессов), 2012 г., курс "Параллельные методы суперкомпьютерных вычислений"
кафедра МОУ (Математических основ управления), 2011-2013 г.г., курс "Параллельные методы дискретной оптимизации"
ИВМ РАН (Институт вычислительной математики им. Г.И. Марчука, РАН)
2018 г. трек "Возможности открытых пакетов (Salome/OpenFOAM/Paraview) для решения задач механики сплошных сред": лекция (совместно с К.М.Тереховым и В.К.Крамаренко)
2017 г. трек "Вычислительная гидродинамика на суперкомпьютерах": лекция "ANI3D расширение паралельной платформы INMOST и гидродинамические приложения" (совместно с Ю.В.Василевским и В.К.Крамаренко)