Publications by Categories


Василевский Ю.В., Данилов А.А., Липников К.Н., Чугунов В.Н. Автоматизированные технологии построения неструктурированных расчетных сеток. Москва: ФизМатЛит, 2016. – 216 с., ISBN 978-5-9221-1730-2 (T.IV) Обложка,текст

Василевский Ю.В., Коньшин И.Н., Копытов Г.В., Терехов К.М. INMOST – программная платформа и графическая среда для разработки параллельных численных моделей на сетках общего вида. Издательство Московского университета, 2013. 144 с. Обложка,текст

Василевский Ю.В., Капырин И.В. Практикум по современным вычислительным технологиям и основам математического моделирования. М: МАКС Пресс, 2009, 61 стр. pdf

Василевский Ю.В., Ольшанский М.А. Краткий курс по многосеточным методам и методам декомпозиции области. М: МАКС Пресс, 2007, 103 стр. pdf


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Agouzal A., Vassilevski Yu. On the $L^q$-saturation property for functions from $W^{2,p}(\Omega)$. Applied Mathematics Letters, V.25, pp.2123-2127, 2012

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Families of meshes minimizing interpolation error. Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Roundtable, W.R.Quadros (Ed.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.313-327, 2012

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. On optimal convergence rate of finite element solutions of boundary value problems on adaptive anisotropic meshes. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, V.81, No.10, pp.1949-1961, 2011

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Families of meshes minimizing $P_1$ interpolation error for functions with indefinite Hessian. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.26, No.4, pp.337-352, 2011

Agouzal A., Vassilevski Yu. Minimization of gradient errors of piecewise linear interpolation on simplicial meshes. Comp.Meth. Appl.Mech.Engnr., V.199, pp.2195-2203, 2010

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Edge-based a posteriori error estimators for generating quasi-optimal simplicial meshes. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.5, No.7, pp.91-96, 2010

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Hessian-free metric-based mesh adaptation via geometry of interpolation error. J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, V.50, No.1, pp. 124-138, 2010 ЖВМиМФ, 50(1), 131-145, 2010

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. On discrete boundaries and solution accuracy in anisotropic adaptive meshing. Engineering with Computers, 26, pp.281-288, 2010

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Adaptive solution of PDEs on anisotropic triangular meshes. AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings, V.1281, pp. 1558-1561, 2010

Danilov A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Unstructured 3D mesh generation and adaptation technologies in package Ani3D. Численная геометрия, построение расчетных сеток и высокопроизводительные вычисления, М: ВЦ РАН, 2010, 17-24. Numerical geometry, grid generation and scientific computing, Moscow, Computing Center RAS.

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Error estimates for a finite element solution of the diffusion equation based on composite norms. J.Numer.Math., Vol.17, No.2, pp.77-95, 2009

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Anisotropic mesh adaptation for solution of finite element problems using hierarchical edge-based error estimates. Proceedings of 18th International Meshing Roundtable (B.W. Clark Editor), Springer, 2009, pp.595-610.

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Edge-based a posteriori error estimators for generation of $d$-dimensional quasi-optimal meshes. Proceedings of 3d Int.Conf. MAMERN, Pau,France (Eds.B.Amaziane et al.), Granada (Spain): University of Granada, 2009, V.1, pp.71-76.

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Metric tensors for generation of optimal meshes. Proceedings of Int.conf. NUMGRID-2008, Computing center RAS, Moscow, p.264-271, 2008

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Generation of quasi-optimal meshes based on a posteriori error estimates. Proceedings of 16th International Meshing Roundtable, WA. M.Brewer, D.Marcum (Editors), Springer, pp.139-148, 2007

Василевский Ю.В., Липников К.Н. Использование методики восстановления гессиана при построении адаптивных сеток. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия Математическое моделирование физических процессов. Вып.3, 37-53, 2006.

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Analysis of Hessian recovery methods for generating adaptive meshes. Proceedings of 15th International Meshing Roundtable, P.Pebay (Editor), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp.163-171, 2006

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Applications of the discrete Hessian recovery methodology in adaptive mesh generation. Proc. of Int.Conf. Advances in Numerical Mathematics (Moscow, September 16-17, 2005), Moscow, Institute of Numerical Mathematics; Houston, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston; pp.167-182, 2006

Dyadechko V., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Hessian based anisotropic mesh adaptation in domains with discrete boundaries. Russ.J.Numer. Anal.Math.Modelling, V.20, No.4, pp.391-402, 2005

Василевский Ю.В., Агузал А. Объединенный ассимптотический анализ интерполяционных ошибок на оптимальных сетках. ДАН, Т.405, No.3, с.1-4, 2005

Agouzal A., Vassilevski Yu. An unified asymptotical analysis of interpolation errors for optimal meshes. Doklady Mathematics, V.72, No.3, pp.879-882, 2005

Василевский Ю.В., Липников К.Н. Оценки ошибки для управляемых адаптивных алгоритмов на основе восстановления гессиана. ЖВМ и МФ, Т.45, No. 8, с.1424-1434, 2005

Vassilevski Yu., Lipnikov K. Error bounds for controllable adaptive algorithms based on a Hessian recovery. J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, V.45, No.8, pp. 1374-1384, 2005

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. On discrete boundaries and solution accuracy in anisotropic adaptive meshing. Proceedings of 14th International Meshing Roundtable, B.Hanks (Editor), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp.313-324, 2005

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Error estimates for Hessian-based mesh adaptation algorithms with control of adaptivity. Proceedings of 13th International Meshing Roundtable, Sandia National Laboratories, pp.345-351, 2004

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. On control of adaptation in parallel mesh generation. Engineering with Computers, V.20, No.3, pp.193-201, 2004

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. On a parallel algorithm for controlled Hessian-based mesh adaptation. Proceedings of 3d Conf. Appl.Geometry, Mesh Generation and High Performance Computing, Moscow, Comp.Center RAS, V.1, pp.155-166, 2004

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel adaptive solution of 3D boundary value problems by Hessian recovery. Comp.Methods Appl.Mech.Engnr., V.192, No.11-12, pp.1495-1513, 2003

Василевский Ю.В., Липников К.Н. Оптимальные триангуляции: существование, аппроксимация и двойное дифференцирование $P_1$ конечно-элементных функций. ЖВМ и МФ, V.43, No.6, pp.866-874, 2003

Vassilevski Yu., Lipnikov K. Optimal Triangulations: Existence, Approximation and Double Differentiation of $P_1$ finite element functions. J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, V.43, No.6, pp.827-835, 2003

Agouzal A., Vassilevski Yu. On a discrete Hessian recovery for $P_1$ finite elements. Journal of Numer.Math., V.10 No.1 pp.1-12, 2002

Agouzal A., Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Adaptive generation of quasi-optimal tetrahedral meshes. East-West J. Numer. Math., V.7, No.4, pp.223-244, 1999

Василевский Ю.В., Липников К.Н. Адаптивный алгоритм построения квазиоптимальных сеток. ЖВМ и МФ, Т.39, No.9, с.1532-1551, 1999

Vassilevski Yu., Lipnikov K. An adaptive algorithm for quasioptimal mesh generation. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, V.39, No.9, pp.1468-1486, 1999


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A.Chernyshenko, M.Olshanskii, Yu.Vassilevski.
A hybrid finite volume – finite element method for bulk–surface coupled problems.
J.Comp.Phys. Published online

A.Danilov, A.Lozovskiy, M.Olshanskii, Yu.Vassilevski.
A finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations in moving domain with application to hemodynamics of the left ventricle.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.32, No.4, 225-236, 2017

Kramarenko V., Nikitin K., Vassilevski Yu.
A finite volume scheme with improved well modeling in subsurface flow simulation.
Comp.Geosciences, V.21, 2017, published online

Василевский Ю.В., Саламатова В.Ю., Лозовский А.В.
О компактных формулах расчета деформаций мягких биологических тканей.
Дифференциальные уравнения, том 53, No.7, 935–942, 2017
Translation: Vassilevski Yu., Salamatova V., Lozovskii A.
Concise formulas for strain analysis of soft biological tissues.
Differential Equations, V.53, No.7, 908–915, 2017

K.Nikitin, M.Olshanskii, K.Terekhov, Yu.Vassilevski, R.Yanbarisov.
An adaptive numerical method for free surface flows passing rigidly mounted obstacles.
Computers & fluids, V.148, 56-68, 2017

Nikitin K., Novikov K., Vassilevski Yu.
Nonlinear finite volume method with discrete maximum principle for the two-phase flow model.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, V.37, No.5, p.570-581, 2016

Nikitin K., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for diffusion equations and multiphase flows.
Comp.Geosciences, V.18, No.3, p.311-324, 2014

Chernyshenko A., Vassilevski Yu. A Finite Volume Scheme with the Discrete Maximum Principle for Diffusion Equations on Polyhedral Meshes Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Methods and Theoretical Aspects. Springer International Publishing, pp.197-205, 2014.

Lipnikov K., Svyatskiy D., Vassilevski Yu. Anderson acceleration for nonlinear finite volume scheme for advection-diffusion problems. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.35, No.2, pp.1120-1136, 2013

Lipnikov K., Svyatskiy D., Vassilevski Yu. Minimal stencil finite volume scheme with the discrete maximum principle. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.27, No.4, pp.369-385, 2012

Burdakov O., Kapyrin I., Vassilevski Yu. Monotonicity recovering and accuracy preserving optimization methods for postprocessing finite element solutions. J.Comp.Phys., V.231, pp.3126-3142, 2012

Vassilevski Yu., Kapyrin I., Danilov A., Nikitin K. Application of nonlinear monotone finite volume schemes to advection-diffusion problems. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI – Problems & Perspectives, Vol.1, 761-769, 2011.

Danilov A., Vassilevski Yu. Benchmark 3D: A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for diffusion equations on polyhedral meshes. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI – Problems & Perspectives, Vol. 2, 193-203, 2011.

Nikitin K., Vassilevski Yu. A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for advection–diffusion equations on unstructured polyhedral meshes in 3D. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.25, No.4, pp.335-358, 2010

Lipnikov K., Svyatskiy D., Vassilevski Yu. A monotone finite volume method for advection-diffusion equations on unstructured polygonal meshes. J.Comp.Phys., V.229, pp.4017-4032, 2010

Danilov A., Vassilevski Yu. A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for diffusion equations on conformal polyhedral meshes, Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.24, No.3, pp.207-227, 2009

Lipnikov K., Svyatskiy D., Vassilevski Yu. Interpolation-free monotone finite volume method for diffusion equations on polygonal meshes. J.Comp.Phys., V.228, No.3, pp.703-716, 2009

Василевский Ю.В., Данилов А.А. Взаимодействие с САПР при построении расчетных сеток в сложных областях. Труды математического общества им. Н.И.Лобачевского. – Казань: Казан.матем.об-во, 2009, стр.5-12.

Vassilevski Yu., Kapyrin I. Two splitting schemes for nonstationary convection-diffusion problems on tetrahedral meshes, Comp.Math.Math.Physics, V.48, pp.1349-1366, 2008

Василевский Ю.В., Капырин И.В. Две схемы расщепления для нестационарной задачи конвекции-диффузии на тетраэдральных сетках, ЖВМиМФ, 48(8), 1-19, 2008

Lipnikov K., Shashkov M., Svyatskiy D., Vassilevski Yu. Monotone finite volume schemes for diffusion equations on unstructured triangular and shape-regular polygonal meshes. J.Comp.Phys., V.227, pp.492-512, 2007.

Hoppe R., Petrova S., Vassilevski Yu. Adaptive grid refinement for computation of the homogenized elasticity tensor. In: Proceedings of 4th Intern. Conf. on Large-Scale Sci. Comput. LSSC-03, Lect.Notes Comput.Sci., V.2907, pp.371-378, Springer, 2004

Chugunov V., Vassilevski Yu. An algorithm for generation of a conformal quasi-hierarchical triangulation subject to a set of constraints. Proceedings of 3d Conf. Appl.Geometry, Mesh Generation and High Performance Computing, Moscow, Comp.Center RAS, V.2, pp.28-39, 2004


Downloadable pdfs are in ALL PUBLICATIONS

A.Danilov, A.Lozovskiy, M.Olshanskii, Yu.Vassilevski.
A finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations in moving domain with application to hemodynamics of the left ventricle.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.32, No.4, 225-236, 2017

Буренчев Д.В., Копылов Ф.Ю., Быкова А.А., Гамилов Т.М., Гогниева Д.Г., Симаков С.С., Василевский Ю.В.
Математическая модель прогнозирования кровотока в экстракраниальных отдеках брахиоцефальных артерий на предоперационном этапе каторидной эндартерэктомии.
Российский кардиологический журнал. 4 (144), 88-92, 2017

Копылов Ф.Ю., Быкова А.А., Щекочихин Д.Ю., Елманаа Х.Э., Дзюндзя А.Н., Василевский Ю.В., Симаков С.С.
Бессимптомный атеросклероз брахиоцефальных артерий — современные подходы к диагностике и лечению.
Терапевтический архив. V.89, No.4, 95-100, 2017

С.С. Симаков, Т.М. Гамилов, Ф.Ю. Копылов, Ю.В. Василевский.
Оценка гемодинамической значимости стеноза при множественном поражении коронарных сосудов с помощью математического моделирования.
Бюллетень экспериментальной биологии и медицины, 2016, Т. 162, №7, C. 128-132.

Danilov A., Ivanov Yu., Pryamonosov R., Vassilevski Yu.
Methods of graph network reconstruction in personalized medicine.
Int.J.Numer.Meth.Biomed.Engng., V.32, No.8, e02754 doi:10.1002/cnm.2754, 2016

Bessonov N., Sequeira A., Simakov S., Vassilevski Yu., Volpert V. Methods of blood flow modelling. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.11, No.1, p.1-25, 2016

Копылов Ф.Ю., Быкова А.А., Василевский Ю.В., Симаков С.С. Роль измерения фракционированного резерва кровотока при атеросклерозе коронарных артерий. Терапевтический архив, Т.87, No.9, с.106-113, 2015 (Role of measurement of fractional flow reserve in coronary artery atherosclerosis)

Василевский Ю.В., Саламатова В.Ю., Симаков С.С. Об эластичности сосудов в одномерных моделях гемодинамики. ЖВМ и МФ, Т.55, No.9, с.1599-1610, 2015. Vassilevski Yu., Salamatova V., Simakov S. On the elastisity of blood vessels in one-dimensional problems of hemodynamics. J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, V.55, No.9, p.1567-1578, 2015.

Lozovskiy A., Olshanskii M., Salamatova V., Vassilevski Yu. An unconditionally stable semi-implicit FSI finite element method. Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg., V.297, pp.437-454, 2015

Dobroserdova T., Vassilevski Yu., Simakov S., Olshanskii M., Salamatova V., Gamilov T., Ivanov Yu., Kramarenko V. The Model of Global Blood Circulation and Applications. I. Lackovic and D.Vasic (eds.) 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 45, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, pp.403-406

Vassilevski Yu., Danilov A., Gamilov T., Ivanov Yu., Pryamonosov R., Simakov S.
Patient-specific anatomical models in human physiology.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.30, No.3, p.185-201, 2015

Gamilov T., Ivanov Yu., Kopylov P., Simakov S., Vassilevski Yu. Patient specific haemodynamic modeling after occlusion treatment in leg. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.9, No.6, p.85-97, 2014

Simakov S., Salamatova V., Ivanov Yu., Dobroserdova T., Vassilevski Yu. Vessel wall models for simulation of atherosclerotic vascular networks. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.6, No.7, pp.82-99, 2011

Simakov S., Salamatova V., Ivanov Yu., Dobroserdova T., Vassilevski Yu. Blood flow simulation in atherosclerotic vascular network using fiber-spring representation of deseased wall. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.6, No.5, pp.333-349, 2011

Vassilevski Yu., Simakov S., Salamatova V., Ivanov Yu., Dobroserdova T. Numerical issues of modelling blood flow in networks of vessels with pathologies. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.26, No.6, pp.605-622, 2011

Kapranov S., Simakov S., Vassilevski Yu. A multi-model approach to intravenous filter optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, V.26, pp.915-925, 2010

Василевский Ю.В., Капранов С.А. Параллельное моделирование особенностей кровотока в окрестности кава-фильтра с захваченным тромбом. Математическое моделирование, Т.17, No.11, с.3-15, 2005


Downloadable pdfs are in ALL PUBLICATIONS

A.Chernyshenko, M.Olshanskii, Yu.Vassilevski.
A hybrid finite volume – finite element method for bulk–surface coupled problems.
J.Comp.Phys. Published online

A.Danilov, A.Lozovskiy, M.Olshanskii, Yu.Vassilevski.
A finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations in moving domain with application to hemodynamics of the left ventricle.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.32, No.4, 225-236, 2017

K.Nikitin, M.Olshanskii, K.Terekhov, Yu.Vassilevski, R.Yanbarisov.
An adaptive numerical method for free surface flows passing rigidly mounted obstacles.
Computers & fluids, V.148, 56-68, 2017

Terekhov K., Nikitin K., Olshanskii M., Vassilevski Yu. A semi-Largangian method on dynamically adapted octree meshes. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.30, No.6, p.363-380, 2015

Lozovskiy A., Olshanskii M., Salamatova V., Vassilevski Yu. An unconditionally stable semi-implicit FSI finite element method. Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg., V.297, pp.437-454, 2015

Nikitin K., Olshanskii M., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. A splitting method for numerical simulation of free surface flows of incompressible fluids with surface tension. Comput.Methods Appl.Math., V.15, No.1, pp.59-78, 2015. DOI:10.1515/cmam-2014-0025

Danilov A., Nikitin K., Olshanskii M., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. A unified approach for computing tsunami, waves, floods, and landslides. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Abdulle A. et al (eds.), LNCSE, V.103, Springer, 2014.

Olshanskii M., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. An octree-based solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with enhanced stability and low dissipation. Computers & fluids, V.84, pp.231-246, 2013

Vassilevski Yu., Nikitin K., Olshanskii M., Terekhov K. CFD technology for 3D simulation of large-scale hydrodynamic events and disasters. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.27, No.4, pp.399-412, 2012

Nikitin K., Olshanskii M., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. Numerical modelling of viscoplastic free surface flows in complex 3D geometries. Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vienna, Austria: Vienna Technical University, 2012

Nikitin N., Olshanskii M., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. A numerical method for the simulation of free surface flows of viscoplastic fluid in 3D. J.Comp.Math., Vol.29, No.6, pp.605-622, 2011

Nikitin K., Olshanskii M., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu. Preserving distance property of level set function and simulation of free surface flows on adaptive grids. Численная геометрия, построение расчетных сеток и высокопроизводительные вычисления, М: ВЦ РАН, 2010, 25-32. Numerical geometry, grid generation and scientific computing, Moscow, Computing Center RAS.

Nikitin K., Vassilevski Yu. Free surface flow modelling on dynamically refined hexahedral meshes. Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.23, pp.469-485, 2008

Olshanskii M., Vassilevski Yu. Pressure Schur complement preconditioners for the discrete Oseen problem. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.29, No.6, pp.2686-2704, 2007.

Tromeur-Dervout D., Vassilevski Yu. POD acceleration of fully implicit solver for unsteady nonlinear flows and its application on grid architecture. Advances in Engineering Software, V.38, pp.301-311, 2007.

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Metric based mesh adaptation in ALE simulation. Proceedings of West-East High Speed Flow Field Conference, 2007

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Metric-based control of mesh adaptation in arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian simulations. Los Alamos Report LAUR-06-4765, 2006

Garbey M., Vassilevski Yu. A parallel solver for unsteady incompressible 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Parallel Computing, V.27, No.4, pp.363-389, 2001

Garbey M., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel Schwarz method for a convection-diffusion problem. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.22, No.3, pp.891-916, 2000


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Vassilevski Yu., Beklemysheva K., Grigoriev G., Kulberg N., Petrov I., Vasyukov A.
Numerical modelling of medical ultrasound: phantom-based verification.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.32, No.5, 339-346, 2017

Василевский Ю.В., Саламатова В.Ю., Лозовский А.В.
О компактных формулах расчета деформаций мягких биологических тканей.
Дифференциальные уравнения, том 53, No.7, 935–942, 2017
Translation: Vassilevski Yu., Salamatova V., Lozovskii A.
Concise formulas for strain analysis of soft biological tissues.
Differential Equations, V.53, No.7, 908–915, 2017

Danilov A., Yurova A., Stark M., Mynbaev O., Vassilevski Y.
Towards a unified evidence-based cesarean section in the african continent the introduction of the all-african surgical database.
Clin Obstet Gynecol Reprod Med, V.3, No.3, 1-4, 2017

Beklemysheva K., Danilov A., Grigoriev G., Kazakov A., Kulberg N., Petrov I., Salamatova V., Vasyukov A., Vassilevski Yu.
Transcranial ultrasound of cerebral vessels in silico: proof of concept.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.31, No.5, p.317-328, 2016

Stark M., Mynbaev O., Vassilevski Yu., Rozenerg P.
Could revision of the embryology influence our Cesarean delivery technique: towards an optimized Cesarean delivery for universal use.
Am.J.Perinatol.Rep., V.6, 352-354, 2016

Danilov A., Ivanov Yu., Pryamonosov R., Vassilevski Yu.
Methods of graph network reconstruction in personalized medicine.
Int.J.Numer.Meth.Biomed.Engng., V.32, No.8, e02754, 2016

Beklemysheva K., Danilov A., Petrov I., Salamatova V., Vassilevski Yu., Vasyukov A.
Virtual blunt injury of human thorax: age-dependent response of vascular system.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.30, No.5, p.259-268, 2015

Vassilevski Yu., Danilov A., Gamilov T., Ivanov Yu., Pryamonosov R., Simakov S.
Patient-specific anatomical models in human physiology.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.30, No.3, p.185-201, 2015

Vassilevski Yu., Danilov A., Ivanov Yu., Simakov S., Gamilov T.
Personalized anatomical meshing of the human body with applications.
Modeling the Heart and the Circulatory System, Quarteroni A. (ed.), MS&A 14, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp.221-236, 2015

Gamilov T., Ivanov Yu., Kopylov P., Simakov S., Vassilevski Yu.
Patient specific haemodynamic modeling after occlusion treatment in leg. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.9, No.6, p.85-97, 2014

Danilov A.A., Kramarenko V.K., Nikolaev D.V., Rudnev S.G., Salamatova V.Yu., Smirnov A.V., Vassilevski Yu.V.
Sensitivity field distributions for segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis based on real human anatomy.
J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 434: 012001, 2013

Danilov A., Nikolaev D., Rudnev S., Salamatova V., Vassilevski Yu.
Modelling of bioimpedance measurements: unstructured mesh application to real human anatomy.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.27, No.5, pp.431-440, 2012

Василевский Ю.В., Данилов А.А., Николаев Д.В., Руднев С.Г., Саламатова В.Ю., Смирнов А.В.
Конечно-элементный анализ задач биоимпедансной диагностики. ЖВМ и МФ, V.52, No.4, 733-745, 2012

Danilov A., Salamatova V., Vassilevski Yu. Mesh generation and computational modeling techniques for bioimpedance measurements: an example using the VHP data. J.Phys.: Conf.Ser., V.407, 012004, 2012, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/407/1/012004

Данилов А.А., Саламатова В.Ю., Василевский Ю.В., Смирнов А.В., Руднев С.Г., Николаев Д.В. Математическое моделирование биоимпедансных измерений. Применение к задаче оценки гидратации лёгких. Материалы 13-й научно-практической конференции “Диагностика и лечение нарушений регуляции сердечно-сосудистой системы (Москва, Главный клинический госпиталь МВД России, 23 марта 2011 г.). М.: ГКГ МВД, 2011. С.150-162.

Николаев Д.В., Василевский Ю.В., Данилов А.А., Ерюкова Т.А., Колесников В.А., Руднев С.Г., Саламатова В.Ю., Смирнов А.В. Моделирование биоимпедансных измерений организма человека. Материалы 6-й международной научной школы «Наука и инновации-2011» (18-24 июля 2011 г). Йошкар-Ола: МарГУ, 2011. С.301-308.

Bocharov G., Danilov A., Vassilevski Yu., Marchuk G., Chereshnev V., Ludewig B. Simulation of interferon-mediated protective field in lymphoid organs with their spatial and functional organization taken into consideration. Doklady Biological Sciences, V.439, pp.194-196, 2011

Бочаров Г.А., Данилов А.А., Василевский Ю.В., Марчук Г.И., Черешнев В.А., Людевиг Б. Моделирование защитного поля интерферона в лимфоидных органах с учетом их структурно-функциональной организации. ДАН, Физиология, 439(3), 413-415, 2011.

Bocharov G., Danilov A., Vassilevski Yu., Marchuk G., Chereshnev V., Ludewig B. Reaction-diffusion modelling of interferon distribution in secondary lymphoid organs. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., V.6, No.7, pp.13-26, 2011


Downloadable pdfs are in ALL PUBLICATIONS

A.Chernyshenko, M.Olshanskii, Yu.Vassilevski.
A hybrid finite volume – finite element method for bulk–surface coupled problems.
J.Comp.Phys. Published online

Kramarenko V., Nikitin K., Vassilevski Yu.A finite volume scheme with improved well modeling in subsurface flow simulation. Comp.Geosciences, V.21, 2017, published online

Nikitin K., Novikov K., Vassilevski Yu.
Nonlinear finite volume method with discrete maximum principle for the two-phase flow model.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, V.37, No.5, p.570-581, 2016

Kapyrin I., Nikitin K., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu.
Nonlinear Monotone FV Schemes for Radionuclide Geomigration and Multiphase Flow Models.
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems. Springer International Publishing, pp.655-663, 2014

Nikitin K., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu.
Multiphase Flows-Nonlinear Monotone FV Scheme and Dynamic Grids
Proceedings of ECMOR XIV European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery. EAGE 2014

Капырин И.В., Уткин С.С., Василевский Ю.В.
Концепция разработки и использования расчетного комплекса GeRa для обоснования безопасности пунктов захоронения радиоактивных отходов.
Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия Математическое моделирование физических процессов. Вып.4, с.44-54, 2014

Nikitin K., Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu.
A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for diffusion equations and multiphase flows.
Comp.Geosciences, V.18, No.3, p.311-324, 2014

Terekhov K., Vassilevski Yu.
Two-phase water flooding simulations on dynamic adaptive octree grids with two-point nonlinear fluxes.
Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, V.28, No.3, pp.267-288, 2013

Nikitin K., Vassilevski Yu.
A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for advection-diffusion equations and multiphase flows.
Proceedings of ECMOR XIII European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, EAGE 2012, 20p.

Lacroix S., Vassilevski Yu., Wheeler M., Wheeler J.
Iterative solution methods for modeling multiphase flow in porous media fully implicitly.
SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.25, No.3, pp.905-926, 2003

Lacroix S., Vassilevski Yu., Wheeler M.
Decoupling preconditioners in the Implicit Parallel Accurate Reservoir Simulator (IPARS).
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., V.8, No.8, pp.537-549, 2001


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Konshin I., Olshanskii M., Vassilevski Yu.
LU factorizations and ILU preconditioning for stabilized discretizations of incompressible Navier–Stokes equations.
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. V.24, No.3, 2017

Danilov A.A., Terekhov K.M., Konshin I.N., Vassilevski Y.V.
Parallel software platform INMOST: a framework for numerical modeling.
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, V.2, No.4, p.55-66 doi:10.14529/jsfi150404, 2015

Konshin I., Olshanskii M., Vassilevski Yu. ILU Preconditioners for Nonsymmetric Saddle-Point Matrices with Application to the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.37, No.5, pp.A2171-A2197, 2015

Boursier I., Tromeur-Dervout D., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel solution of Mixed Finite Element/Spectral Element systems for convection-diffusion equations on non-matching grids. J.Applied Numerical Mathematics, V.60, No.11, pp.1131-1147, 2010

Hoppe R., Porta P., Vassilevski Yu. Computational issues related to the iterative coupling of subsurface and channel flows. Calcolo, V.44, pp.1-20, 2007.

Tromeur-Dervout D., Vassilevski Yu. POD acceleration of fully implicit solver for unsteady nonlinear flows and its application on grid architecture. Advances in Engineering Software, V.38, pp.301-311, 2007.

Tromeur-Dervout D., Vassilevski Yu. Choice of initial guess in iterative solution of series of systems. J.Comp.Phys., V.219, pp.210-227, 2006

Chugunov V., Svyatski D., Tyrtyshnikov E., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel iterative multilevel solution of mixed finite element systems for scalar equations. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol.18, No.5, pp. 501-518, 2006.

Василевский Ю., Ильин В., Тыртышников Е. Вычислительные технологии. Современные проблемы вычислительной математики и математического моделирования, Т.1, М.: Наука, с.100-148, 2005

Boursier I., Tromeur-Dervout D., Vassilevski Yu. Aitken-Schwarz methods with non matching finite elements and spectral elements grids for the parallel simulation of an underground waste disposal site modelized by upscaling. Proceedings of Int.Conf. ParCFD 2004, G.Winter et al. (Editors), Elsevier Science, pp.69-76, 2005

Vassilevski Yu. A hybrid domain decomposition method based on aggregation. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., V.11, pp.327-341, 2004

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel adaptive solution of the Stokes and Oseen problems on unstructured 3D meshes. Proceedings of Int.Conf. ParCFD 2003, Elsevier, pp.153-162, 2004

Vassilvski Yu. A Parallel CG Solver Based on Domain Decomposition and Non-Smooth Aggregation. Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Finite Element Methods, (Proceedings of Int.Conf. 50 years of CG), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp.93-102, 2004.

Achdou Y., Jaffre J., Svyatski D., Vassilevski Yu. Numerical simulation of unsteady 3D flows on anisotropic grids. Transactions of French-Russian Liapounov Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, V.4, Moscow, pp.107-124, 2003

Lacroix S., Vassilevski Yu., Wheeler M., Wheeler J. Iterative solution methods for modeling multiphase flow in porous media fully implicitly. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.25, No.3, pp.905-926, 2003

Lipnikov K., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel adaptive solution of 3D boundary value problems by Hessian recovery. Comp.Methods Appl.Mech.Engnr., V.192, No.11-12, pp.1495-1513, 2003

Chugunov V., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel multilevel data structures for a non-conforming finite element problem on unstructured meshes. Russ.J.Numer.Anal.Math.Modelling, V.18, No.1, pp.1-11, 2003

Tyrtyshnikov E., Vassilevski Yu. A Mosaic Preconditioner for a Dual Schur Complement. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2001, Springer-Verlag Italia, Milano, pp.867-880, 2003

Lacroix S., Vassilevski Yu., Wheeler M. Decoupling preconditioners in the Implicit Parallel Accurate Reservoir Simulator (IPARS). Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., V.8, No.8, pp.537-549, 2001

Garbey M., Vassilevski Yu. A parallel solver for unsteady incompressible 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Parallel Computing, V.27, No.4, pp.363-389, 2001

Vassilevski Yu. A parallel interface preconditioner for the mortar element method in case of jumping coefficients. Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 231-240,, 2001.

Garbey M., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel Schwarz method for a convection-diffusion problem. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., V.22, No.3, pp.891-916, 2000

Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu. An interface preconditioner for the mortar element method. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 1999, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, pp.753-761, 2000

Василевский Ю.В. Методы решения краевых задач с использованием нестыкующихся сеток. Тр. Матем. центра им. Н.И.Лобачевского, Т.2. Итерационные методы решения линейных и нелинейных сеточных задач. – Казань: УНИПРЕСС, 1999, с.94-121.

Engelmann B.,Hoppe R., Iliash Yu., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu., Wohlmuth B. Adaptive finite element methods for domain decomposition on nonmatching grids. Parallel Solution of PDEs, IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications, V.120, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp.57-86, 1999

Garbey M., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel Schwarz method for convection-diffusion constituent of the Navier-Stokes solver. Proceedings of 10th Parallel CFD-98 Conf., North-Holland publisher, pp. 191-198, 1998

Garbey M., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu. On Parallel Solution of Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion Problems. Proceedings of the 3d ECCOMAS Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, V.2, pp.245-250, 1998

Hoppe R., Iliash Yu., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu., Wohlmuth B. Analysis and parallel implementation of adaptive mortar element methods. East-West J. Numer. Math., V.6, No.3, pp.223-248, 1998

Engelmann B.,Hoppe R., Iliash Yu., Kuznetsov Yu., Vassilevski Yu., Wohlmuth B. Adaptive macro-hybrid finite element methods. Proc. 2nd European Conference on numerical Methods (ENUMATH), World Scientific, Singapore, 1998

Dyadechko V., Iliash Yu., Tkhir A., Vassilevski Yu. Parallel preconditioning on nonmatching unstructured grids. Proceedings of 4th Fr.-Rus.-It.-Uzb. Symposium on num.anal. and applications, Marseilles, 1997

Kuznetsov Yu., Iliash Yu., Vassilevski Yu. On application of strengthened AMG for partially unstructured meshes to unsteady fully potential flow problem with moving boundaries. Experimentation, Modelling and Computation in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, V.2, John Wiley&Sons, pp.71-86, 1997

Dyadechko V., Iliash Yu., Vassilevski Yu. Structuring preconditioners for unstructured meshes. Russ.J.Numer.Anal.Math.Modelling, V.11, No.2, pp.139-154, 1996

Kuznetsov Yu., Iliash Yu., Vassilevski Yu. Efficient parallel solving the potential flow problems on nonmatching grids. Numerical Methods in Engineering. Proceedings of the Second ECCOMAS Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, pp.469-475, 1996

Vassilevski Yu. Domain decomposition methods and averaging operators for the case of multidomain splitting. Russ.J.Numer.Anal.Math.Modelling, V.10, No.2, pp.141-148, 1995

Vassilevski Yu. On application of global coarse space for two-level domain decomposition method in the case of a large number of subdomains. Russ.J.Numer.Anal.Math.Modelling, V.8, No.1, pp.59-82, 1993