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Meshing techniques

Unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes

Several examples of grid generation are presented. All examples are created with Ani3D (3D Generator of Anisotropic Meshes) package.


Large deformations. Geometry model is designed in CAD system. Strength analysis and large deformations are computed with Fidesys package. Ani3D package is used for mesh generation.

Strength analysis is computed with Ani3D package.



Geometry model of a lymph node.

Bioimpedance analysis

Simplified geometry model of a human body.

Realistic human body

Segmented medical image, geometrical model and unstructured mesh.


Triangular unstructured grids on the surface.

Automatic bathymetry-based mesh adaptation.


Automatic tetrahedral mesh generation for layered anisotropic region. First picture is stretched 50 times in Z direction.

Triangular grids for complex multi-domain regions, automatic mesh size adaptation.


Mesh around the aircraft. Geometry model is defined by surface triangulation. The surface mesh is improved, and a volume mesh is generated.

Octree meshes for flows with free surface

Octree meshes with cut-cells


Stanford Bunny




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grids.1393997575.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/22 08:19 (external edit)