2024 China-Russia International Spring School on
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Engineering
10 - 16 April, Shenzhen, China


Prof. Jijun Tang

Dr. Jijun Tang is currently a professor of Computer Science in SIAT, and a professor and Gradiate Director at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Carolina. His main research area is Bioinformatics, especially the development of algorithms and artificial intelligence methods for multi-scale biomedical big data analysis, with focus on Bioinformatics,medical informatics and social science. His research has been supported by US federal agencies such as NIH, NSF, as well as the Chinese Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology. His work were published in
high-level academic journals such as Nature Communications, Nature Microbiology, with a total of more than 5,500 citations. He has served as the conference chair for the Conference on Algorithms in Bioinfor- matics (WABI) and the Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Annual Conference (APBC). He is currently an associ- ate editor of BMC Bioinformatics and Frontiers in Genetics.

Prof. Rongliang Chen

Prof. Chen joined SIAT, CAS as an assistant professor (2012.07-2014.12) and promoted to associate professor in Jan 2015 and full professor in Jan 2023. He worked as a visiting scholar at the University of Colorado Boulder from 9/2014 to 2/2015, 7/2017 to 7/2018 and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from 11/2016 to 12/2016. He mainly focus on the development of parallel algorithms and software for engineering applications. His research interests include high-performance computing algorithms and applications, fluid, struc- ture and fluid-structure interaction computations etc. Research areas
covers blood flow simulations, aerodynamic analysis of aerospace vehicles, automobiles, high-speed trains and wind turbines, large-scale pollutant dispersion simulations etc. He has published over 60 papers and received over 10 million research funding.